Wednesday, March 30, 2016

The Storyboard

I finished the storyboard for the opening today and a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I finally have a clear map to follow! I'm sorry my drawings are quite rough and not the best..I'm not very talented when it comes to art but I think you'll understand the general idea.

I want the first shot to be the logo for the production company (Streit Productions) and I would also like to include another one like it saying Orinoco Pictures (named after a river in my home country of Venezuela) but that will take at least 7 seconds and time is very limited. I will see if I can include it after editing is done but for now I'm leaving it out.

Then the next couple of shots are establishing the woods setting and the opening credits. Lily will be the first character introduced as we see her running already having the audience asking questions (where is she going? what is she running from?) and engrossing them in the plot.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you're getting along now. Everything you've done so far seems perfect to me. The only complaint I had was that I was not sure what your plot was, but I know that was because you were unsure yourself. I would've liked to see more of your brainstorming however. Also, I appreciated the photos you added from your trip as visuals. I would've liked to see the maybe a few snippets from what you filmed that made you change your genre. Your storyboard seems great, looking forward to the final product.
